As a Certified Consultant for Practice Fusion, AccueData has the ability to bring one of the industry’s highest ranked EHR’s in customer satisfaction to your practice with local support and on-site training.
Yes! Practice Fusion's EHR is free. Always has been, always will be. This means no hidden charges, no 30-day trials, no “lite” functionality and no hardware upgrade costs—a basic computer is all you need to get started.
We have a unique ad-supported model. This allows us to provide a world-class EHR technology at no cost to you. These ads never pop up, never interfere with your workflow, and only display one at a time - see a sample ad here. We also make sure to provide you with ads that add value, such as co-pay coupons for your patients. A paid ad-free version of the EHR is available upon request.
Our support is entirely free and U.S.-based. Web-based training, live chat, phone support and a dedicated Account Manager are all provided at no cost. Certified, on-site, fee-based training is also available during the initial implementation phase of your practice’s EMR. Because of our free model, we succeed and thrive when you actively use our free EMR. So not only is our EMR easy to use and live in five minutes - it’s also the No. 1 EMR for customer satisfaction, e-prescribing and support.
For more information on Practice Fusion go to www.practice or contact us at